I’ve always felt that the best person to spend your life with is your best friend. Someone who knows you well, makes you laugh, encourages and supports you, makes you want to be a better person. They trust you, you trust them. You share everything with them – dreams, hopes, fears, faith, and ultimately, love. When a marriage is built on this kind of friendship, I believe that it will last a lifetime.
Charis and Matthias will have this kind of marriage, because first they were friends. It was such an honor to see them come together in front of their closest friends and family (from near, and far – Hong Kong even!) to pledge their lives and love to one another. To promise to stay true to each other and to stick by the others’ side. Thank you for blessing me with the opportunity to capture your day – it was an honor!
We started at Graham Chapel at the gorgeous Wash U campus in St. Louis.
One of my favorite photos of Charis from the day…
We didn’t have much time for their first look, but it was still so perfect! I love Charis’ reaction!
I still am not quite sure why Lotso the bear was part of the processional, but it made for a good laugh!
After a few photos around campus, we headed over to Forrest Park. It’s one of my favorite places in St. Louis, and also incredibly popular for wedding photos. I think we saw five or six other groups! I have to give credit where it is due and thank the amazing Ashley Fisher who was my second shooter that day. She captured this great photo of the bridal party, and several other shots in this post. Not only is she ridiculously talented, she is SO nice and was incredibly helpful on that crazy hot day! Thank you Ashley!
Next, we were off to the ELEVEN course Chinese dinner reception!
Charis and Matthias, many congrats to you! Thank you again for the windfall day. I had a blast!