One last blog post before Christmas! Â I’m still working through blogging all of my fall sessions – there were quite a few! Â I’ll be taking a vacation from Dec 28-January 8th (mountains full of white fluffy snow, here I come!) so if you contact me during that time, I’ll return your call or email when I return.
This senior session with Lauren was shot back in October.  When Lauren and I met for her consultation before her session, I had a feeling her session was going to be fabulous 🙂  Not only is her style absolutely spot on, be she is a complete natural in front of the camera.
We started her session exploring downtown Grinnell and finding some new looks for locations that are quite popular.
I love that we were able to use this chair in the alley – the fun, fresh, urban vibe definitely suits Lauren.
A quick change of location – I have to thank Lauren for trusting me with this one. Â I was basically sitting on top of a dumpster in order to get this shot!
Lauren’s sister, Holly, joined us for the session. In fact, the whole family was there! Â I always recommend bringing friends or family along. Â You wouldn’t believe the number of families I work with for senior sessions who haven’t had a family portrait in YEARS. Â I was so excited to grab this shot of Lauren and Holly, and even more enthusiastic when Lauren’s parents jumped in for one as well!
You ladies look gorgeous!
Lauren, thank you for a truly memorable session. Â I’ll never forget you running to the cornfields in your prom dress as the sun was setting to get that one last shot! Â It’s been such a joy to get to know your family, and I hope you have an awesome senior year!