I’m so excited to FINALLY reveal my new website design, branding, and focus! It’s been in the works since early February, and I absolutely love the end result. After a lot of hard work and consulting with designers, friends, and other photographers, I feel like I’ve finally landed on the look and focus that I want for my business. You would think it would be simple, but anyone who has been through the branding process will tell you that it’s not!
The process began after I participated in an online workshop run by creativeLive hosted by Zach & Jody Gray. One thing they highlighted during their 3 day wedding workshop back in January was focusing on what you love, and focusing on giving the BEST possible experience to your clients. That concept really resonated with me, and it got me thinking about my own business – am I shooting what I absolutely love, and am I giving my clients the amazing experience that they’re going to share with their friends? Answering those questions was…a bit scary. Why scary? Because I was fairly certain that my answer was “maybe” at best, and “no” at worst, when it really should be an enthusiastic “YES!” to both questions!
Thus began a lot of thinking about what I truly LOVE to shoot. And even though I’ve done a mix of everything over the past year – newborns, maternity, family, seniors, engagement, weddings, couples, dogs (yes, dogs!) – what I discovered was that I am drawn to certain sessions more than others. Don’t get me wrong, all of my clients and sessions have been WONDERFUL! I’m truly blessed to work with some amazing people. However, as an artist and perfectionist, I found that my best work and my most enjoyable experiences as a photographer came in two specific areas: weddings, and seniors.
Once I made the decision to focus on just weddings and seniors, it was like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I no longer have to do everything that comes my way, and I can narrow in on what I truly love to shoot – the amazing relationships between two people in love, and the excitement and enthusiasm of a high school senior realizing how gorgeous and awesome they are. Perhaps I’ll elaborate more in the future about why I think specializing is a good thing, even in a small town or a down economy. But that’s another post for another day!
The second phase of my new focus, rebrand, and look came while I attended Amanda Holloway’s Kitchen Sink Workshop the end of February, which was a phenomenal experience. While I was at the workshop in New Orleans, I had just shared some ideas for my brand and logo, and with the encouragement of Amanda and the other photographers at the workshop, launched head-first into completely redefining the look and focus of my business and brand. I’m SO grateful for the encouragement I received at the workshop!
Since then, it’s been the slow process of refining the look of my website, blog, logo, and other materials that will communicate the experience I want for my clients. I want my clients to know that they can expect something high quality, professional, and modern. An experience that is epic and worth talking about. I want to visually show brides hunting for a photographer that I’m all about the moments, connections, and beauty of the day that reflect the beginning of one of the most important relationships in your life. And I want to show seniors that they will have on-trend portraits that are All-American with a fashion-twist, and a truly fantastic experience now that I offer professional hair styling and make-up in the lux and couture sessions.
I’m excited for this new direction, and I hope you all like it! Please be sure to explore my updated blog, as well as my website, which is designed using Showit. There are some new sections and features to explore. And definitely come back often! As the busy spring and summer season gets under way, there will be a lot more photos to share, as well as tips for clients and photographers. And I’d love if you’d leave a note or comment!